Rent in St. Pete Dean & DeWitt

Professional Property Management

Rentals You'll Love


Real Estate Investment

  • Is owning a rental property worth the headache?

    I invest in rental properties personally and for my clients. Your concern about “worth the headache” is really the risk / reward question that needs to be answered for any investment opportunity. The headache is managing the risk associated with trying to realize the reward for investing.

    An investment is “worth” the total return on the initial investment. While holding the investment, the return may be cash flow, dividends or “coupon” payments (from real estate, stocks and bonds, respectively). Once the investment is liquidated (for a profit or loss) the total return can be determined. With a rental property the net cash flow may be positive or negative during ownership and is the primary consideration for determining worth. If the property provides reasonable net income, the liquidation value should take care of itself.

City's Best!

Dean & DeWitt Property Management is thrilled to announce that they have been selected as the recipient of the City's Best Award for 2023.

Read the full article here.

Rental Advice

  • Happy Tenants +

    Justin, Just wanted to let you know I used the maintenance phone line last night and had a great experience. Read More
  • Lead Paint +

    Simple Steps To Protect Your Family From Lead Hazards If you think your home has high levels of lead: Get Read More
  • Maintenance - No hot water? +

    No hot water and can't get a hold of the landlord? When selecting a rental, make sure you are interviewing Read More
  • Who am I dealing with? +

    When you rent from a private homeowner, who are you dealing with? Do they know your rights as a tenant? Read More
  • Who's holding your security deposit? +

    If you are not considering the property manager as part of your rental decision, you could be putting your money Read More
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